Boon Store

Boon Store is the first app that makes gift shopping dynamic and fun, where you can buy a mysterious and unknown gift to surprise yourself or someone else.

Boon Store Apple App Store Boon Store Google Play Store
Have a question or suggestion? Please contact us! Contact Form

How it Works


Spin the roulette to find your gift's category.


Submit your order and track the status.


Receive the package right on your doorstep.
Surprise Gifts
Roulette Gift
Track Orders
Gift Unboxing
Boon Store
We are committed to delivering premium-quality gifts.

Contact Us

  • This form is for general questions, suggestions and complaints.
  • Please enter a valid email before sending, as the response will be sent there.
  • We usually respond within 24-48 hours.


Surakarta, Indonesia.


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